Introductory Pages

In this section:

  • Letter from the Superintendent
  • Mission + Vision + Values
  • District Staff
  • School Directory
  • School Calendar
  • District Website
  • Asbestos Notice
  • Public Notice: Title IX
  • Notice of Non-Discrimination
  • Weather-Related Information
  • Errors and Omissions

Download a printable version of this section:

Letter from the Superintendent

Fall 2024

Dear Families,

As we kick-off the 2024-2025 school year, we do so with a dynamic new strategic plan in place that will focus our work as a district over the next five years.

The overarching theme of this plan aligns not only with our focused work into the future, but also how we feel about this school year. We are:


Grounded in our strategic plan, we renew and enhance our commitment to providing the opportunities and support EACH student needs to realize their own definition of success. Our goal is not to define our students’ success, but instead to help them uncover what’s possible and provide them with the skills and experiences to make those goals a reality.

Committed to this work is our amazing team of approximately 2,000 education professionals across the district here to serve you and your student. They are guided by our volunteer elected Board of Education which is also entirely committed to providing your student with the highest-quality learning experience possible.

Throughout this handbook, you will find important information to get the year started, including federal, state and district policy information, some of which we are required to distribute to you annually. Please take a moment to review the information in the handbook. It is an important resource to help navigate the district, its offerings and policies.

I hope as we begin this year that you will continue to be active in your student’s education. Get involved at their school, communicate concerns or changes should they arise, and always encourage strong attendance.

We will be by your side providing the area’s most robust, complete set of opportunities and resources so that your student finds the pathway to their future. We want them to not only be ready for anything, but READY for everything!

Have a wonderful school year!


Amy Hawkins
Superintendent of Schools

Mission + Vision + Values

Please see Mission + Vision + Values webpage.

District Staff


Please see for a current list of board members and officers.


Executive Director of Elementary Education: Lisa TeBockhorst
Executive Director of Secondary Education: Mark Burns
Executive Director of Special Education: Brenda Duvel

Chief Financial Officer: Kevin Kelleher
Chief Human Resources Officer: Brian Kuhle
Chief Communication Officer: Mike Cyze
Chief Technology Officer: Coby Culbertson

Looking for someone?

Find an up-to-date listing of district contacts for administrative and curricular areas online at:
Call the main district office at 562/552-3000 if you’re unsure who to contact for information on
a particular topic and we’ll connect you to the appropriate staff member.

School Directory

Please see for a complete listing of schools.

School Calendar

Please see for a listing of important dates to know for the year.

District Website »

The Dubuque Community School District website is the official electronic communication tool for the district. Parents and students will find a variety of helpful, timely information throughout the site, including the following:

  • School Calendar
  • School Board Policies
  • School Board Agendas
  • School Delay Info
  • Staff Directory
  • Calendar of Events
  • Lunch Menus
  • Registration Schedules
  • Enrollment Details

Look for frequently used webpages referenced throughout this handbook for your convenience.

Asbestos Notice

Asbestos is an issue we have been dealing with for many years. The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 (referred to as AHERA) was enacted to determine the extent of and develop solutions for any problems schools may have with asbestos.

To give you some background, asbestos has been used as a building material for many years. Asbestos’ properties made it an ideal building material for insulation, sound absorption, decorative plasters, fireproofing, and a variety of miscellaneous uses. EPA began action to limit uses of asbestos products in 1973 and banned most uses of asbestos products as building materials in 1978.

Periodic surveillances are completed and documented every 6 months, and the management plans are updated every 3 years as required by AHERA.

The Management Planner has developed an asbestos management plan for our facilities which includes: this notification letter, education and training of our employees, and a set of plans and procedures designed to minimize the disturbance of the asbestos containing materials, and plans for regular monitoring of the asbestos-containing materials.

A copy of the asbestos management plan is available for your inspection in our Buildings and Grounds Offices during regular office hours. All inquiries regarding the plan should be directed to Rob Powers, Manager of Buildings and Grounds, who is our Asbestos Program Manager.

Our intent is not only to comply with, but exceed federal, state and local regulations in this area. Our plan is to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that our students and employees have a healthy, safe environment in which to learn and work.

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Please see Non-Discrimination/Civil Rights Statements webpage.

Public Notice: Title IX

The Dubuque Community School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits discrimination in all education programs and activities operated by the district, as required by Title IX, including in admission and employment.

Inquiries about the application of Title IX to the district may be referred to the district’s Title IX coordinator, the Office of Civil Rights, or both.

The district’s Title IX non-discrimination policy and grievance procedures are located in electronic format within the district’s policy reference manual, accessible through the district’s website. For questions locating this policy please contact the Board Secretary.

Individuals wishing to report conduct that may constitute sex discrimination and/or make a complaint of sex discrimination should contact the district’s Title IX Coordinator:

Mimi Holesinger
Director of Behavior and Learning Supports
2300 Chaney Road
Dubuque, IA 52001-3095
P: 563/552-3105

Weather-Related Information

Inclement weather may cause the district to delay start times, release early, transition to a virtual learning day or, in rare instances, cancel the school day. This decision is based on district-wide conditions, on-site observations and weather reports.

When a schedule change is made due to inclement weather, families will be no1tified by phone, email and/ or text message using the district’s mass notification system. The district’s inclement weather line (563/552-3035), website (, and social media channels ( and will also be updated and area television and radio stations will be notified of the change. When a virtual learning day is called, it is considered a school day. If a day was canceled completely, it would be made up at the end of the school year.


The Dubuque Community School District has taken every effort to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of this publication. In the event of a typographical error or omission, the official documented board policy or board action will serve as recognized policy. Some policies may be revised throughout the year.

The most current policies can always be found at: