Health Services
The nursing staff of the Dubuque Community School District strives to provide compassionate and comprehensive health services for your child. Our professional, experienced staff is able to meet a variety of healthcare needs for your children while attending school. In addition, we promote prevention and wellness while providing access to care for students to stay healthy, safe, and ready to learn. We understand that a healthy lifestyle is key to your child’s overall well-being, academic success, and lifelong achievement.
Illness Guidelines
Staying home when ill is one of the best ways to reduce the spread of all illnesses, including COVID-19. The district has returned to its normal illness guidelines, and individuals with a temperature of 100.4 F or higher should always stay home until fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication and should be free of vomiting or diarrhea before returning to work.
For more guidelines, also see:
Is your child too ill to attend school?
For more information, visit the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services at: hhs.iowa.gov
Hannah Porcic
Lead Nurse
- Promotion of healthy life styles.
- Identify health concerns by observation and assessment of needs.
- Health care counseling or guidance to students, their family, and staff.
- Guidance in chronic disease management and assist with access to care in collaboration with
community agencies and medical providers. - Medication management.
- Immunization verification according to state guideline requirements.
- Screenings: vision, dental, hearing, height and weights.