Return-to-Learn: 2020-2021 School Year
Recent News and Updates
NEW: Return to Fully In-Person Instruction, Feb. 15
The Dubuque Community School District will return to fully in-person instruction on MONDAY, FEB. 15, following the signing of a new law by Governor Reynolds. A fully online option will remain available.
> also see Frequently Asked Questions for information on learning options moving forward, health and safety protocols for fully in-person learning, and delivery of both fully in-person and fully online learning
COVID-19 Dashboard (refer to the current dashboard for the 2021-2022 school year)
As a district, we are committed to providing transparent, accurate data regarding cases of COVID-19 related to the school environment while also maintaining the ongoing confidentiality of our students and staff. To do this, the district launched a dashboard to show the number of ACTIVE, POSITIVE COVID-19 cases in the district.
Updated Spectator Guidelines
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds updated her Public Health Disaster Proclamation, which included modifications to the spectator guidelines for high school sports. View the latest spectator guidelines.
> also see DISTRICT UPDATES for all Return-to-Learn and Coronavirus updates
Reducing the Spread
Health Checks
Daily temperature checks, screening for symptoms and more.
Prevention + Protection
Use of masks, social distancing measures and more.
Hand washing and use of hand sanitizer.
Facilities, Equipment + Supplies
Cleaning protocol, equipment, supplies, air ventilation and more.
> also see HEALTH + SAFETY to view and download all resources
Learning and Support
Marking Attendance on At-Home Days
Instructions on how to record attendance daily for students in the fully online program and on at-home days for students in the hybrid program.
Return to Fully In-Person Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the most common questions about the learning delivery options.
> also see LEARNING TOOLS for resources to help navigate learning technology tools
Nutrition Services
Dubuque Schools Students to Receive No-Cost Meals
All Dubuque Community School District students are eligible to receive no-cost meals through the remainder of the 2020-2021schoo year thanks to an extension of the USDA Summer Food Service Program.
> also see MEAL PICK-UP SITES for details and locations of no-cost meal service for at-home or fully online school days during the school year.
Planning Documents
Response Protocol (PDF)
A guide to determining next steps following COVID-19 symptoms or exposure.
Return-to-Learn Plan (PDF)
The first version of the district’s Return-to-Learn Plan that was shared with families on July 1, 2020.
For State Coronavirus Updates: Iowa Department of Public Health
For Federal Coronavirus Updates: Centers for Disease Control