Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Student Educational Records

The student records maintained by the Dubuque Community Schools are composed primarily of testing records, psychological reports, grade records, health records, attendance records, records relating to extracurricular activities, age records, and records of former disciplinary actions. These records are kept at the school of attendance and are under the charge of the principal of each school.

Upon request, the School District may disclose education records without parental consent to school officials of another school or school system in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.

A school official is a person employed by the School as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member; a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the School has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using its own employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate education interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.

Parents’ Right To Review

A parent of a student or a student who has reached age 18 may inspect the educational records of the student except as limited by law. The opportunity to inspect may be made at the school of attendance and shall be provided within 45 days of the request by a parent, or by a student who has reached age 18. The principal of the school may require that such request be made in writing.

Parents’ Right to Amend

The parent of a student or a student who has reached age 18, who believes that information contained in the records is inaccurate or misleading, may request in writing that certain records be amended and the reason therefore, and such request will be considered by the school district as provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Parents’ Right to File Complaint

If the parent feels the school district failed to comply with FERPA requirements, he or she has the right to file a complaint with the US Department of Education concerning the alleged failures. Complaints should be filed with: Family Policy Compliance Office, US Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-5920.

Legal Status of Student

If a student’s legal status, such as the student’s name of the student’s custodial arrangement, should change during the school year, the parent or guardian must notify the school district. The school district needs to know when these changes occur to ensure that the school district has a current student record.

Inspection of Educational Materials

Parents and other members of the school district community may view the instructional materials used by students in the office. Copies may be obtained according to board policy. Tests and assessment materials are only available for inspection with the consent of the superintendent. Persons wishing to view instructional materials or to express concerns about instructional materials should contact their home school.