
The Dubuque Community School District’s Educational Philosophy

We, the Board of Directors of the Dubuque Community School District, believe that, in a free and democratic nation, the establishment and maintenance of the best possible educational opportunity, regardless of age, race, creed, color, gender, national origin, disability or marital status is the responsibility of the people.

Each individual should be provided both the appropriate support and academic challenge necessary for continuing educational development. The learning process should be predicated on developing lifelong learners utilizing methods that are compatible with learning theory and educational research.

Educational programs will assist students in achieving high performance standards by clearly identifying the skills, competencies, and understandings expected of students as a result of instructional and learning experiences within each program. Methods of assessing student learning will be identified at the time of program adoption. A variety of relevant learning experiences will be provided to meet individual student needs and learning styles and to challenge students of varying abilities.

Opportunities will be provided to help each pupil understand and accept her/his responsibilities to himself/herself and to others. Respect for differing/divergent viewpoints and opinions will be encouraged at all levels.

Program Philosophy

The Dubuque Community School District will provide and maintain a program to meet the cognitive and affective needs of gifted and talented students. The District will offer appropriate services, educational opportunities, and differentiated curricula for students who give evidence of high performance capability in specific academic fields or in intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership areas.