Business Management and Administration
SERVICE AREA: Business, Finance, Marketing and Management
Are you interested in helping a business be successful? Across all types of businesses and non-profit organizations, careers in Business, Management and Administration help plan, organize, direct and evaluate business functions. The federal Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that through 2028, careers in the field will see above-average growth and there are a wide range of opportunities across the spectrum of educational requirements.
Download the guide sheet below to learn more about:
- the post-secondary education required for a sampling of career categories
- recommended coursework to take in high school to be prepared for post-secondary education
Kuder Navigator, the district’s career information system, helps students explore and prepare for various options after high school. Students take assessments beginning in middle school that identifies their interests, skills and work values that are matched up to career clusters, pathways and occupations. Learn more about Kuder Navigator and how it is used in the district.
Students login to Kuder Navigator through the Clever Portal.
Students can generate a Parent Access Code from their Navigator account that parents use to establish a parent account.
View instructions on how to set up a parent account.
The Future Ready Iowa website directly connects students to tools for finding education, training and jobs beyond high school. It uses Labor Market Information to identify the number of jobs, the average median income and what training is required within a geographically determined distance.
Christa Burgess
Hempstead High School
Rochelle Morgan
Senior High School
Natalie Nemmers
Dubuque Online School